5 Reasons To Start Photographing Wildlife — CameraGiveaways.com

5 Reasons To Start Photographing Wildlife

What is not to love about photographing wildlife? There are so many different animals to capture and they all have different personalities, characteristics and habitats which can make for some really interesting photographs if you capture them correctly. We found this fun article on PetaPixel that gives some great reasons why you should start photographing wildlife. We totally agree and wanted to share 5 of those reasons with you today along with some really great animal photos! 

So why should you start photographing wildlife? This is why:

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

1.   We Are Still Cavemen

The cavemen from hundreds of thousands of years ago has the same wiring in their brains as we do today. Nature is where we belong which is why most of us love to go to the beach, enjoy a nice walk in the woods and love watching an amazing sunset. We used to hunt for wildlife as a way to survive (and some people today still do) and now-a-days, wildlife photography is the best way to "hunt" for animals.

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

2.  The Power Of Nature Is In Your Hands

When you do wildlife photography, you are trying to capture a split second. That moment when the animal's behavior and the light work perfectly to create that amazing photo. The hard part is that you can not change nature. You can not change the lighting or what the animals are doing at that moment. You can not get too close where you would scare them, make them run away or perhaps cause danger to yourself, but you also have to be close enough to where you can capture a decent photo. 

As a wildlife photographer, instead of trying to control the animals, let them be. Make the best of the conditions that you have, learn the behaviors of the animal you are trying to photograph and try to put yourself into their habitat. 

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

3. Living In The Moment

No matter what you are doing in life, people always say it is good to live in the moment and enjoy what you are doing right then. There is no need to worry about the future, just enjoy the present. 

You must live in the moment when you are photographing wildlife. You never know what they are going to do, and you have to be ready to react whether it is with taking a quick photo, or even changing to a new location because that animal decided they wanted to move around a lot that day! 

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

4. Witnessing Amazing Creatures

Unfortunately, many animal species go extinct and many times it is because of humans. Global warming, oil drilling and so many other factors cause habitats of wild animals to disappear and there are so many species out there that many of us have never seen or even know about. 

Being a wildlife photographer will allow you to meet wild animals - some that you did not even know existed or that may be gone before you know it or even get to witness them again. It can be truly amazing to experiance, while capturing an awesome photo at the same time. 

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

5. You Can Find Beauty In Everything

While everyone loves a beautiful sunrise or a rainbow that comes after an afternoon rain, those are not just what is beautiful in nature. Even if it is a dark and dreary day, you can find beauty somewhere and that is what is so great about being a wildlife photographer. 

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

Photo credit: Tin Man Lee via PetaPixel

Be sure to check out the entire article on PetaPixel

Do you love doing animal photography? Here are 7 tips for doing great animal photography that you should read! 

Do you take animal photographs or other shots outdoors and sometimes need to fix the sky? If you ever want to add clouds or sunsets to your photos then this Pretty Sky Overlays is for you! For $299.99, you will get 110 overlays that will allow you to fix a blown out sky or edit in a specific mood. 


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