5 Great Locations To Find People To Photograph — CameraGiveaways.com

5 Great Locations To Find People To Photograph

Taking photos of people can be pretty exciting. Whether you are finding new people that you have never met or you are simply snapping great candid shots among your own group of family and friends, it is amazing what you can get when your photos are not posed. When you pay attention and look close enough, you can find people laughing, having fun, exploring, traveling or just deep in thought and the photos can be stunning. 

There are many places you can find where people gather together so today we wanted to share with you a few locations where you can find these people. In order to find people to photograph, take your camera and get out there and explore. It is even good practice to take your camera with you wherever you go, because you never know what or who you will find along the way. You never what type of photos you will get, some that may help you earn some profit.

Here are 5 places you can find people to photograph that we found on Photography Talk

1. Street Fairs, Festivals and Markets

Every city has its own special events, street fairs and markets that are perfect to find people and families of all ages. Typically these types of events have tons of colorful things to capture, such as local vendors selling produce, products they have made and more. 

2. Cultural Events

Everyone loves to celebrate culture whether it is something like Cinco De Mayo or Shakespeare. These festivals are some of the best to find people enjoying themselves, dancing and having a good time. The event could include cultural dancing, people in unique costumes, live music and even sword fighting.

Photo credit: David via Flickr of Market Square in San Antonio, Texas. 

Photo credit: David via Flickr of Market Square in San Antonio, Texas. 

3. Public Beaches

Who doesn't love going to the beach? When there is sun, sand and cool ocean waves, you are bound to find tons of people kicking back to relax and have a little fun. This could be a great place to capture people surfing or kiteboarding. You could see fisherman or even children excited at catching their first fish. People may be walking their dog or playing frisbee. You will find people lying out in the sun and reading.... the possibilities of what you could capture go on and on at the beach.

4. Sports Events

Sports fans can be fun to photograph no matter the sport. Try to stay back and not get in people's faces during the game, because you could be asked to leave if you are interfering with other people's enjoyment of the sport. You will be able to capture people decked out in team colors with face paint, funny hats and more. 

Photo credit: The Sports Fan Journal

5. Conferences

Conferences are full of people that you can photograph. It could be the speaker at the event or even a group of people at the conference having a meeting together. It is good practice to reach out the conference beforehand to find out what restrictions they have for photographers... you may even want to register as a photographer for that specific conference. If you get some great shots of some of the speakers and other things that take place, it could be a good money maker for you if the conference wants to buy some of your work for their marketing materials.  

Did you take a photo outside at a festival, street fair or sporting event and really want to add a little something extra to it? Overlays Made Easy! The Collection would be perfect for you! This product will help you to fix a blown out sky and edit in a "mood." It even includes bokeh overlays to really add some pizazz to your backdrops. Get this collection today for $99.99! 

Click here to get
Overlays Made Easy! The Collection

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